Monday, March 1, 2010


Sports are a fun way to plow of steam and have fun while doing that. It also brings people toghther but sometimes it shows competive sides of people. There are many of sports all with different characteristic's and culturial back rounds. In sports anybody can participate because the main thing about sports is not about winning or loseing it's all about fun. But the main people who do participate are kids, teens or adults that are fit and that love the game. There have been people that have been excluded from sports because of there sex or some kind of promblem's with injury's or handicaped. In sports you have to be able to stratigies and be able to make desisions in a very short period of time. If you want to go pro in a sport you should be fit skilled at that sport and have a life time commitment to that sport. In each sport there are different equipment that help keep you protected and safe from injuries. In some sports they have video replay so a ref can make the right dicision in case he could not see what happened. Media plays a big role, they give you updates on almost everything that has happened and they put alot of sports on telvision. The uniforms are very important in sports because they unite a team and they show which players are commited by them wearing matching uniforms. In all sports the values and goals are the same because everybody wants to become the best at there favriote sport and everybody also loves to play sports no matter winning or loseing. To some sports player's they have rituals that they do every day they have game. Some player's have superstitions, like what they wear or do. Many People who make it to the highest level of a sport is because there mom or dad have made it that far which increase your chances of going pro.

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